Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Long March to America with Maylen Balgos by Joanna Thich

I had the pleasure to interviewed my friend's aunt Maylen Balgos. Like most people, there was complications and struggles that Maylen had to go through for a "better life". Maylen was able to finish college in the Philippines before moving to America. This interview gave me an insight of her life and hardship. Looking back Maylen does not feel like there is any regrets in her life because everything she did to make it this far made her stronger. 

1. Life in the Philippines
2. The good's and bad
 3. Coming to America
4. Why Maylen moved to America
5. America vs. Philippines
6. What America had to offer Maylen
7. What Maylen is doing in America
 8. Regrets?

Segment 1: Talked about where Maylen lived and how life was in the Philippines.

Segment 2: The goods and bad in the Philippines.
                                          Segment 3: Maylen talked about coming to America and why it took so 
long for her to come to America.

                                          Segment 4: Maylen talked about why she moved to America

                                          Segment 5: America vs. Philippines
                                          Segment 6: Maylen talked about what America had to offer.
                                          Segment 7: Maylen talks about what she is doing in America and how is America treating her

                                          Segment 8: Maylen talks about if she regrets coming to America.

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